adress Minsk, 220004, Pobediteley Ave., 11

Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus

Belarus, India sign cooperation program in culture


Belarus and India have signed an intergovernmental cooperation program for 2023-2025. The ceremony took place at the Indian Ministry of Culture on 9 November, BelTA learned from the Belarusian diplomatic mission.

“Cultural ties between the two countries, as well as contacts between the peoples of our countries, are of enormous importance. Today's agreement will facilitate our efforts to promote cooperation and introduce the people of Belarus and India to the cultural traditions of each other,” Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Belarus to India Andrei Rzheussky said.

The intergovernmental program provides for holding India's Culture Days in Belarus and Belarus' Culture Days in India, exchange of performing arts groups, mutual participation in various competitions and festivals.

The program provides for cooperation between theaters, museums, galleries and libraries, the exchange of exhibitions and experts.

According to Secretary at the Ministry of Culture of India Govind Mohan, the implementation of joint projects will expand the entire range of Belarus-India cooperation in the cultural and entertainment fields, and will also help increase the attractiveness of the two countries for tourists and other groups of travelers.
